Listing Optimization

Banish Bad Business Listings

Incorrect business listings can cause a frustrating customer experience and hurt your search rankings.

Take control of your business listings with our integrations

We have direct integrations with the industry’s largest network of maps, apps, voice assistants, search engines, and social networks, so your business can perform better in search and your customers can find you at their moment of decision.

Kiss manual updates goodbye.

Manual listings updates are tedious, and aggregator solutions deliver unpredictable results.

With our integration software, you update once and publish updates across the entire Knowledge Network, giving you real-time control and guaranteeing that your listings are accurate everywhere, every time.

A job ... well, done.

Once you’ve created a business listing or published an update, you don’t want anything overriding your work.

Our integration offers your update to match and lock in with all the other listings across the web and protects your data from unauthorized changes.

We also verify the status of your listings so you instantly know when each one is live.

Enhance listings.

Entice customers.

Achieve more with your listings.

Add promotional links and calls-to-action right in your listings, driving traffic directly back to your website.

From evergreen offers to seasonal specials, you can showcase what matters most to your business at the local level.

Put the metrics to work.

Get a clear picture of your search impressions.

Our Integration software gives you a glimpse into how consumers are engaging with your brand across local online channels.

Segment your audiences by device, publisher, and the terms they are searching for — then use that data to engage the right customers in the right ways at the right time.

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