Social Media


Grow your social audience

Expand your influence and promote your brand on social media.

Of course, you are already doing all of this, how could you not be.

Actually, I take that back, you would be surprised at how many offices have no presence online.

Either way, social media is here to stay, so you should jump onboard.

What's that though?

You don't have time to be posting on all these different platforms all the time?

You don't have quality images and videos that are custom branded just for you?

Well, we got you covered!


It comes as no surprise that with all the content that is posted across these channels, that visual content is more than 40 times more likely to get shared than all-text content.

Video is no exception.

Video is a fantastic tool to hook your audience.

Unlike a long-winded paragraph, it is extremely easy to consume.

We’re all guilty of passively scrolling through our social media feeds and only the most compelling content tends to make the grade for our attention.

Lets put together the right content for you that stops their feed.

Engagement Audience

Did you know that you can create an Engagement Custom Audience based on people who saw your video on Facebook or Instagram.

Okay, maybe you already knew that, but are you actually doing it?

Probably not, because making great videos is an entire skill set that (Shocker), they don't teach in chiropractic school.

Work together with us, make some sweet vids, put em on social, build your audience, then attract them into your office.

It's simple, just not easy.

Going this route is a longer term plan, but will yield better patients than the latest cash grab groupon promotion.

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